

Neben seinen musikalischen Bemühungen und dem Songwriting auf Gitarre und Klavier veröffentlicht der Singer/Songwriter und Musiker Henry Facey einen vierteljährlichen Newsletter, in dem er regelmäßig ein breites Spektrum zeitgenössischer und herausfordernder Themen behandelt, mit denen der moderne Songwriter, Musiker und Künstler heute konfrontiert ist. Er gibt seine Gedanken wieder und stellt sie zur Diskussion, um eine Debatte über die aufgeworfenen Fragen anzuregen. Lesen unten weiter ...

von Henry Facey 14. November 2023
I often wonder what I would have done if I hadn’t chosen art as a vocation from a young age...
von Henry Facey 6. April 2023
Predicting the future of music is always a difficult feat. The future is by definition unpredictable. Everything can seem like it's going one way and all of a sudden the "future" decides to take a left-turn and surprise everyone...
von Henry Facey 17. Januar 2023
In the wake of the new year, I am finding myself exploring new musical directions and this got me thinking about why this was such a necessity...
von Henry Facey 16. Januar 2023
The music video for the B-side was finally released on 17th December, just in time for Christmas...
von Henry Facey 10. August 2022
It is a real pleasure to be able to perform with the full band again. The last time this happened was back in February for the album launch...
von Henry Facey 8. August 2022
The music video for The Mouth Of The Sea came out on 04/04/22. I briefly touched on the significance of the song in the previous newsletter, but I would like to elaborate further on its meaning and significance to me…
von Henry Facey 6. April 2022
The recent deaths of rockstars Taylor Hawkins and maybe lesser known singer Mark Lanegan have reignited this burning question in me: why are the artistic industries replete with tortured souls?
von Henry Facey 6. Januar 2022
Since the days when I started playing the drums and guitar in the late 90s, the way music is consumed has changed beyond recognition. So where does the modern musician fit in this ever-changing digital landscape? Allow me to share some personal thoughts...
von Henry Facey 12. September 2021
There is a stream running through each song on the album...
The story behind the songwriting
von Henry Facey 19. Mai 2021
I would like to talk about music and inspiration and what it means to me in this first blog post.
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